- Medicine
A collection of treatises on medicine and pharmacology
- Treatises and excerpts on medicine and pharmacology, four of which are by Najīb al-Dīn Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī ibn ‘Umar al-Samarqandī (نجيب الدين أبو حامد محمد بن علي بن عمر السمرقندي, d. 1222). Collections of medical works by al-Samarqandī often circulated in various compilations under the collective title al-Najībīyah al-Samarqandīyah (النجيبية السمرقندية). Contents: (1) Sijzī (سجزي), Ḥaqāʾiq asrār al-ṭibb…
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