Ibn Jubayr ابن جبير

You are currently viewing Ibn Jubayr ابن جبير

Full Name: Abū al-Ḥusayn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Jubayr al-Kinānī

Arabic: أبو الحسين محمد بن أحمد بن جبيرالكناني

Other Names: Ibn Jubair, Ibn Jobair, and Ibn Djubayr

Born: 1145 AD

Died: 1217 AD.

Origin: Valencia, Taifa of Valencia, now Province of Valencia, Spain.

Famous for: Geographer, Traveller and Poet


His writing is a foundation of the genre of work called Rihla, or the creative travelogue.

A surviving copy of Ibn Jubayr’s manuscript is preserved in the collection of the Leiden University Library.

Taḏkira bi-akhbār can ittifāqāt al-asfār, or “Relations of the adventures that occurred during the voyages.”

Risāla ictibār al-nāsik fī ḏikr al-āṯār al-karīma wa-l-manāsik






Books attributed to Ibn Jubayr