Ibn al-Nafis ابن النفيس

You are currently viewing Ibn al-Nafis ابن النفيس

Ibn al-Nafis has been described as “the father of circulatory physiology”.

Full Name: Alāʾ al-Dīn Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Abī Ḥazm al-Qarashī.

Arabic: علاء الدين أبو الحسن عليّ بنأبي حزم القرشي

Born: 1210-1213 AD.

Died: 1288 AD.

Origin: Damascus, Ayyubid Sultanate.

Famous for: Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Anatomy, Biology, Islamic studies, Jurisprudence, and Philosophy.


He is known for being the first to describe the pulmonary circulation of the blood.

The most voluminous of his books is Al-Shamil fi al-Tibb (The Comprehensive Book on Medicine)

Al-Durra Sharh ‘Aqa’id al-Nasafi (Arabic: الدرة شرح عقائد النسفي), Commentary on Anatomy in Avicenna’s Canon.





Books attributed to Ibn al-Nafis