A collection of treatises on medicine and pharmacology
Treatises and excerpts on medicine and pharmacology, four of which are by Najīb al-Dīn Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī ibn ‘Umar al-Samarqandī (نجيب الدين أبو حامد محمد بن علي بن عمر السمرقندي, d. 1222). Collections of medical works by al-Samarqandī often circulated in various compilations under the collective title al-Najībīyah al-Samarqandīyah (النجيبية السمرقندية).
- (1) Sijzī (سجزي), Ḥaqāʾiq asrār al-ṭibb (حقائق أسرار الطب, ff. 1r-37v);
- (2) Samarqandī (سمرقندي), Uṣūl al-tarākīb (أصول التراكيب, ff. 38r-68r);
- (3) Samarqandī (سمرقندي), Dhikr al-adwiyah al-mufradah (ذكر الأدوية المفردة, ff. 68v- 81v);
- (4) Samarqandī (سمرقندي), Kitāb aghdhiyat al-marḍá (كتاب أغذية المرضى, ff. 82r-99r);
- (5) Samarqandī (سمرقندي), al-Qarābādhīn ʿalá tartīb al-ʿilal (القراباذين على ترتيب العلل, ff. 99v-163v).
Additional information
Scholars | |
Language | Arabic |
Print Type | Hand Written Manuscript |
Reference | https://www.qdl.qa/en/archive/81055/vdc_100086325394.0x000001 |